Monday, 18 January 2016

Exciting News

We have been a bit quiet here at Good Dolly Miss Molly HQ busy getting our heads down and working on our beautiful website.

Pop over to

To see what we have been up to. Let's make the world a dollier place

Lots of love 

Ali & Miss Molly

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Stitchy Gifts

I got this kit with my Christmas vouchers from my sister and her family. It's so pretty I can't wait to start stitching it.

This one I got with my birthday money, again from my lovely sister and her family, I've made a start and I'm really enjoying stitching it. Santa, Christmas and stitching, a perfect combination!

My wonderful, thoughtful son and his girlfriend bought me this for Christmas it will go perfectly with the beach huts one I finished recently.

Now to find the time to make dolls!

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all from Mrs Moo & me at Good Dolly Miss Molly HQ. Hope you have a great day xxxxx

Monday, 14 December 2015

Christmas at Good Dolly Miss Molly HQ

This is my latest completed project, a Bucilla kit which was a birthday present from my lovely son Ryan. Of course it will stay up all year round, far too pretty to go in the loft!

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Just like buses ........

I don't post for ages then two in one day!!!

This has been a WIP for ages - I love it but it's hard going stitching on dark fabric, so today I completed the back stitch and stars. Ready to be framed in the New Year.

These stars are tiny little star shaped sequins secured with tiny beads.

Close up detail of the sparkly thread in her wings and skirt.

Scarlett is completed

I finally finished my beautiful Scarlett, I will frame her after Christmas then display her on the wall.

I added beads in the flowers - I would like to say that I did it for depth and texture but truthfully I still cannot do French knots!

Little glittery beads on her dress.

In memory of Scarlett 13th August 2015

A moment in our arms but a lifetime in our hearts.